Jury. Dezeen Awards 2021. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Jury_Dezeen_Paysage-1680x1120

Jury. Dezeen Awards 2021.

Our atelier is happy to announce that Lina Ghotmeh will be part of the jury panel for the Dezeen Awards 2021, in the Architecture category. Click on “More infos” to check out the full list of judges.

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Lauréate. Tamayouz Award 2020. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture AW_Tamayouz2-1680x1120

Winner. Tamayouz Award 2020.

Our atelier is so proud and grateful to see the title of “ Woman of Outstanding Achievement ” attributed to Lina Ghotmeh.

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Conférence. University of Miami School of Architecture. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture CONF_MIAMI_Tecnoglass-1680x1120

Lecture. University of Miami School of Architecture.

Join Lina Ghotmeh for her online lecture at the U|SoA Tecnoglass Lecture Series, with audience broadcasted live from the institution’s Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center.

ZOOM Meeting ID : 947 9002 6545.

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Conférence. École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 3423_CONF_ENSAL_1680x1120

Lecture. École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon.

Online lecture Tuesday, February 3rd 2021, at 10:30am (CEST) at the Lyon Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, followed by an open dialogue with the audience.

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Finaliste. “Best Building of 2021” Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture AW_BOTY-ArchDaily-1680x1120

Nomination. “Best Building 2021”

Stone Garden finalist for the ArchDaily Building of the Year Award 2021! Click on “More infos” to vote!

Photo © Laurian Ghinitoiu


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Permis de Construire. Village Olympique Paris JO 2024. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture VOP-1680x1120

Construction Permit. Village Olympique Paris 2024.

Our atelier is designing the athletes’ housing at the occasion of the Paris Summer Olympic Games of 2024, located in Saint-Denis. In a virtuous approach, the housing will be transformed into regular habitats post-olympics. 

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Permis de Construire. Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture CCNT-1680x1120

Construction Permit. Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours.

Our atelier is happy to announce that the construction permit for our CCNT project has been obtained. An ode to dance, the project is located in the Casernes Beaumont and Chauveau de Tours, and acts as the national center for performing arts and choreography in France.

Photo of the CCNT model © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture.

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Sélectionné. Stone Garden “Best 10 architecture projects of 2020”. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture DOMUS_TOP10-1680x1120

Selected. Stone Garden “Best 10 architecture projects of 2020”.

Stone Garden first amonst Domus’ selection of 10 best buildings and interventions published by them in 2020. An article by Giulia Ricci.

Article photos by © Iwan Baan and © Joe Ladhou. Leftside photo by © Laurian Ghinitoiu.

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Permis de Construire. Bureaux SOPIC. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Tarbes-1680x1120

Construction Permit. SOPIC headquarters.

Our atelier has begun the construction of the new office buildings for SOPIC development, in Tarbes. The project, conceived as a small residence, combines nature and materiality fostering for the users’ well-being.

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Projet. Le French Design Hôtel. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture FrenchDesignHotel-1680x1120

Project. Le French Design Hotel.

Le FRENCH DESIGN by VIA, “Recevoir à la française”,  invited Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture to imagine a virtual hotel using a selection of design furniture. Rooting our inspiration in French gastronomy, we created an immersive exquisite hotel built as a sensual immersion in a “six-course” menu. 

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Publication. ELLE et Le Point. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture PR_Elle_LePoint-1680x1120

Publication. ELLE magazine and Le Point.

Humanism and reconstruction, Beyrouth stages itself as an open city. Stone Garden tells its story in two articles: ELLE magazine with journalist Caroline Six & Le Point with Bruno Monier-Vinard.

Photos for ELLE by © Laurence Geai. Photos for Le Point by © Iwan Baan and © Takuji Shimmura.

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Publication. N°12 de la revue Pièra. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture PR_Piera-1680x1120

Publication. N°12 of Pièra.

An exchange with the Pièra redaction team at the occasion of our conference ARCH_Talk in Treviso, Italy, on the grounds of the old PAGNOSSIN ceramic factory. 

Photos © Silvia Possamai Pox.

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