2021. Bonne Année à tous et à toutes ! Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Newsletter-1680x1120

2021. Wishing you all a Happy New Year !

We sincerely thank you for your precious support in 2020, a year that taught us about solidarity, resilience, and finding evermore creative solutions. We wish you all a healthy and liberating 2021! 

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Publication. Magazine Architectural Record. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Arch_Record_202010

Publication. Architectural Record Magazine.

Stone Garden on the cover page of Legendary Architectural Record. An article by Joumana Ghandour Atallah. Photos by © Iwan Baan. 

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Construction. Première Brique pour les Ateliers d’Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 00_Paysage-1680x1120

Construction. First Brick for Ateliers Hermès.

Actes Précis”, our project for Hermès, has just started construction. A 6700 m² passive, environmentally groundbreaking building sitting at the heart of Normandy, France. 

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Vente en ligne. “Architects for Beirut” au Design Miami. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture SG_Drawing_Lina_Option_7

Auction. “Architects for Beirut” at Design Miami.

Beirut remains deeply affected by the August blast. As a response, our collective Architects for Beirut, in partnership with Design Miami, launched an online art sale to fund work done by the Beirut Urban Lab. Check out the beautiful artworks donated by worldwide Architects. Click on More infos” to access the sale. On the left, Stone Garden Shatters”, a unique hand drawing by Lina Ghotmeh donated to the sale.

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ARTE_Le patrimoine libanais à l'agonie

Documentary. Arte “Liban Année Zéro”.

A reportage and a stroll with Lina Ghotmeh looking at the devastating effects of the 4th of August blast in the port of Beirut on the city. By © Wissam Charaf, Sophie Guignon, Chloé Domat and Sylvain Lepetit.Photo of Stone Garden by © Laurian Ghinitoiu.

Conférences. Milano Arch. Week. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 00_Paysage-1680x1120

Lectures. Milano Arch. Week.

On the 18th and 19th of September, Lina Ghotmeh at the Milano Arch Week, an international architecture festival dedicated to urban transformations and the future of cities. Promoted by Comune di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Triennale Milano in collaboration with Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and with the artistic direction of Stefano Boeri. 

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Publication. Stone Garden dans le numéro 1045 du magazine Domus. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 00_Paysage-1680x1120

Publication. Stone Garden in issue n°1045 of Domus magazine.

Domus issue n°1045, curated by David Chipperfield, invites readers to a review of our project Stone Garden in an article written by Mona Fawaz and Carla Aramouny. Photos by © Iwan Baan. 

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Lina Ghotmeh @ARTE

Arte Journal

ARTE journal invites us to travel with the work of Lina Ghotmeh "Urban whisper, ecology and poetics intersect in an ode to the Birth city of this architect".

A reportage by © Wissam Charaf - Photo of Stone Garden © Iwan Baan

Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondedHermes_News
Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondedHermes_News2
Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondedHermes_News3
Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondedHermes_News4
Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondedHermes_News5

Publication. Le Monde d'Hermès.

Our project for the new Hermès Leather Workshops published in the Spring-Summer issue of the bi-annual magazine "Le Monde d'Hermès". Article written by Philippe Trétiack after an interview with Lina Ghotmeh. 

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Lecture. Lina Ghotmeh at the Cité de l'Architecture. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture CitéArchi_Lumière_News

Lecture. Lina Ghotmeh at the Cité de l'Architecture.

Join Lina Ghotmeh for a lecture on March 12 at 7pm on "Light gradations" at the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris in the context of the "Rendez-vous design & lumière". Click on "More infos" for reservations. In photo the Estonian National Museum with Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane.

Photo © Takuji Shimmura

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© Takuji Shimmura - Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane

Lecture. Lina Ghotmeh and Le Monde Cities at the HEAD Geneva. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture LeMondeCities_News

Lecture. Lina Ghotmeh and Le Monde Cities at the HEAD Geneva.


Lina Ghotmeh in a lecture Thursday 20th of February at 11am at the Haute école d'art et de design - Geneva on the theme "Can nature humanize cities ?". An event co-organized by Le Monde and Le Temps at the occasion of the launch of the Urban Innovation Award "Le Monde Cities". Free entry on reservation.

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Winners. Hermès Workshops. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Maroquinerie9

Winners. Hermès Workshops.

Our atelier designs the first passive building for Hermès workshops to be completed by 2021. This is the result of a competition won by LG — A in the spring of 2019. See more about the project in the latest issue of “Le Monde d’Hermès".

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